For more, please contact me for live classes or for their streaming service.
Short Sequences
5-Minute Stretch – Seated
7-Minute Stretch – Standing
15-Minute Sequences
Shoulder Relaxation – Great after work or before bed!
Hip Stretch – Great after an activity! If your are uncomfortable with the chair or it throws off your balance, keep both feet on the floor.
Full Body Activation with Amanda Cyr
30-Minute Sequences
Beginner/Pain-Relief – A relaxation class.
Connective Tissue Workout – This class helps to release tension and stiffness. It’s a great reset for the body.
Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Series
Tips for flexing (rounding) and extending (straightening) the spine
- Rounded (flexed) spine: Try making this movement by gently contracting your abs. Once you’ve tucked your tailbone/tipped top of hips back, envision an ice cream scoop scooping up the front of your body lifting your upper back away from low back creating a shallow arc.
- Straight (extended) back: Stack ears over shoulders over hips over heels, lengthening through the spine.
- In both positions, your neck and head follow the line of your spine.
- Think “up thoughts” trying to avoid sinking into joints.