Testimonials for Essentrics® Classes with Melinda Baughman:
“Essentrics® Stretching with Melinda Baughman is amazing! Check her out!” Christa L. Snyder
“That was awesome! Thank you!” Jennifer Farley
“Hockey season finished last Sunday. No injuries this year. In fact, I think I improved agility and endurance!” Peter McLean, Member of Greenfield Triathlon Race Committee

“The techniques have helped me tremendously with two long-term challenges involving joint injuries and helped me to reestablish balance and strength. I could not imagine a more encouraging, supportive and thoughtful instructor to help guide the process!” Jennifer Stromsten
“I appreciate Melinda’s cues. She makes the sequences easy to follow.” Cathy Whitely
“Essentrics® revives your body! I sleep better and have more energy after a class.” Kristin Goodell